The Quantum Do

Performance Edge Weekly WisdomĀ 

Helping People Leverage Their Spirit So They Can Amplify Their Excellence

Mental Healthā€™s Biggest Opportunity:Spiritual Intelligence applied spirit Oct 24, 2023

Mental Health’s Biggest Opportunity


World Mental Health Day was just 2 weeks ago and while we can celebrate the recognition of an international day for global mental health education,...

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How To Manage and End Cyclic Frustration applied spirit Oct 17, 2023

In today’s Volatile Uncertain Complex and Ambiguous world,

the past couple of years have surfaced frustration factors for people both professionally and personally.

The many demands in our...

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How To Successfully Manage Overwhelm applied spirit Oct 10, 2023

How To Successfully Manage Overwhelm

Today we are going to discuss Feeling Overwhelmed!

Specifically, how do you manage being overwhelmed?

First professionally, how do you cut through overwhelm and...

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When Will You Answer To The Call? applied spirit Oct 03, 2023

When Will You Answer To The Call?

The new era has come to honor those who contribute to humanity evolution. The times are calling for those who lead the human race forward. When will you answer to...

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How To Bounce Back From SETBACKS applied spirit Sep 26, 2023

Today we are going to discuss setbacks! How to recover and rebound from setbacks!

Specifically, how do you rebound in business, in your career from setbacks and if you are athlete or performer how...

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How To Defeat Burn Out applied spirit Sep 20, 2023

How To Defeat Burn Out

How Do you know if you are burnout or just stressed out?

Today’s topic is going to address the ins and outs of burnout so you that not only will you understand what is...

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How To Effectively Help People Prevent Suicide applied spirit spirit Sep 14, 2023

Today we are going to discuss the sharp rise in American suicides and how you can be part of the solution by learning the root causes of suicide from an applied spirit vantage point which will...

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Helping Prevent Effectively Youth Mental Health Crisis spirit Sep 05, 2023

Today we are going to discuss the worsening tendency of our youth mental health and how it mirrors the parent’s mental health.

According to a recent article, as the nation grapples with a...

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How Clarity is The Secret Elixir Of the Greatest ! athlete commitment engagement executive leader spirit Aug 15, 2023

Clarity is key for maximizing the potential of the greatest performers. 

High performers, the best performers, they make clarity a practice. They make it a priority to seek clarity in order to...

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How Silver World Champion Mark Zollitsch Turned His Athletic Passion into Helping People as a World Class Wellness Consultant Expert Mar 04, 2017

Learn How Mark Turned His Drive From Canoe & Kayak into Helping People

How Can you turn your athletic drive into benefiting all area of your life?


 This might seem cliche or just...

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How Did a World Champion Wrestler Turned His Athletic Skills Into Becoming Sr. Executive Officer in SILICON VALLEY ? Lessons of Service From Jim Lucas Mar 04, 2017

Jim Lucas turned his world class athletic talents, skills and experience into becoming a world class senior executive in silicon valley and further turned that same athletic edge into a world class...

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What Do you Do when your Athletic Career Ends Due To Injuries ? Former NFL Player Monquiz Wedlow Reveals Insights on How to Win On & Off the Field Mar 04, 2017

Monquiz Wedlow-Former NFL Player Monquiz Wedlow Reveals Insights on How to Win On & Off the Field

Mr Wedlow Spent His NFL career chasing his dreams of becoming a superstar on a professional...

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