The Quantum Do

Performance Edge WeeklyĀ  Wisdom

How To Overcome Recurring Negative Thoughts? Part 2

applied spirit Mar 19, 2024

How To Overcome Recurring Negative Thoughts? Part 2

Do you have recurring negative thoughts?

Today, I will share with you a complete sustainable long-lasting solution that will liberate you from recurring negative thoughts.

This is the second set of three training best practices that will help you overcome recurring negative thoughts.

I will show you specifically the best practices in high performance psychology that you will be able to implement immediately whenever you find yourself with recurring negative thoughts.


Before I move further, I want to make sure that you take advantage of all three trainings.

Today’s subject is the part two in a series of teachings about how to overcome recurring negative thoughts; so if you haven’t seen part one- I strongly and highly recommend you go read it or watch the video; because in part one we lay the foundation of what I will be teaching here on how to overcome negative recurring thoughts.

To give you a simple metaphor on why part one is important-

For example, you and I know that a turtle would never outrun a cheetah in a race?

Obvious, isn’t it?

But why?

Because of their structure.

So, in part one, I addressed the relevance of physiology in cognitive performance. In other words, if you are aware and decide to make some conscious adjustment in your habits (might it be diet, exercising or other best practices) based on what I shared for example that if you can generate some happy hormones neurotransmitter at the right moment, you might positively affect and eradicate the negative recurring thoughts pattern you have.

So, again I highly suggest you go watch part one first.


So today, I am going to show you the power of high-performance psychology.

First, I will start from high level so you can clearly see and understand where the best performers get their performance edge from and then.

Second, I will show you the best practices in high performance psychology that you will be able to use immediately whenever you find yourself with recurring negative thoughts and

Then, in part three next time, I will give you the next level of understanding that the quantum do teaches from an applied spirit level so you can be on your way to overcoming recurring negative thoughts.

but now let us jump in.

So, I am going to assume that you have watched part one and that despite all the proactive solutions shared you still have negative recurring thoughts.

Meaning you made already your cognitive performance assessment and you are taking of the basis in physiology and physical wellbeing, and this is important to note this because your negative thoughts are recurring.


Because no matter how strong willed you are or how smart you are or how good intentioned you are if your physiology is not sounds it will be hard for you to have a vigorous cognitive performance.


With that said, the best in class in the world in all cultures regardless of their field of mastery have a secret over everyone else,

Because they understand one key word that gives high performance psychology an edge when it comes to producing the best performance and results.

You know what that word is?


That is the biggest secret in high performance psychology. Leverage.

I am going to develop in a bit, but I want to remind about the power of that concept-


Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world. Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.

Now what leverage are we talking about here?


It is the leverage that the human species has above all other species!

It is the power to manage your attention.


So, it sounds simple but do not dismiss it and that is why it is important that I talk about the context here, why?

Because as a descendant of the homo double sapiens from the 150,000 years ago of practice -you can claim and say “I know that I know “-

Meaning You can think about what you were thinking about.


So, I want you to not discount that understanding-

The ability to think about what you were thinking about!

It is that capacity that gives you the power to manage your attention!


It is that ability that gives human beings our evolutionary edge versus a cheetah that can run faster than the best Olympic runners or the eagle fly swiftly.


So, now let us bring it down to the specifics,

How can understanding that principle help you manage negative recurring thoughts?

From part 1, You remember the distinct types of brain waves frequencies and their mode of operations. Delta waves frequencies (0-4Hertz), Theta(4-8Hz), Alpha (8-12Hz), Beta (12-38Hz), Gamma(30-80Hz).


Here, when we think about what we were thinking about we are functioning at the Beta brain wave frequencies level- and Beta- is your state of alertness - in your daily activities.

There are three beta levels-

Low beta (12-15 Hz)- when you are thinking. 

Beta waves (15-22)- activities of focus

High beta (22-38Hz)- excited or anxious- or when you experience something new or complex thoughts. 

Also, sometimes when we are thinking about what we are thinking about we are highly alert and conscious and that would be activating Gamma(30-80Hz) waves are the fastest brain waves(30-80Hz)-

Why is this relevant?

Basically, most of the leveraging and activities happen in Beta and Gamma wave Frequencies.

So, the practical training for your cognitive performance would be to learn to tap into higher beta and into the Gamma even better because they are the fastest brain waves.

So -It is all connected.

Why is this relevant?

It is because different frequencies will give you access to different information.

And let us put into practice right now-

Literally as you are reading this line-

What were just thinking about 2 seconds ago?

Can you connect to the question-What was I thinking about just a minute ago?

What were you thinking about before I asked you that question?


Here lies your lever and your power.

Where would be the fulcrum to use Archimedes analogy?


Let me share with you the different fulcrum points on how you can use that lever.

The fulcrum points are the different questions that allow you to stir and manage your attention.

They are.

What was I thinking about?

Where is my attention?

Are you thinking about limiting perception or factors (meaning is your attention on what you do not have, what you cannot have, what you cannot do? Or what you cannot be? What should not be)

Or are you thinking about what you have, what you can do!

Of course, I do not need to be a wizard that if you have recurring negative thoughts you are thinking about the limiting factors!

Am I correct!

Now the next fulcrum is what moves the needle- it is action-

Are you going to act on it or are you spiraling down?

How do you know that you are spiraling down?

Negative thoughts are generated by the questions you asked yourself and that locked your attention- Those underlying questions are anchored into an unconscious position of hopelessness, powerlessness, or victimhood There are 4-5 main questions or a variation of these that are recurring that you ask yourself without paying attention – let’s zoom in to those underlying questions.

Why does this happen to me?

Why now?

Is this all there is?

These questions, as you can see, underline that you have no control, no power, and that you see yourself as victim or powerless.

On the other extreme opposite is the rage, the fighting mode-

No way, this is not supposed to be this way.

I know better, this should not be, this is not acceptable.

As you can see – right there you are at a crossroads and spiraling down when you are going either into a victim or rage mode.

That’s the binary mode like a machine we are in this mode of 0 or 1, or black or white, and this is the pinnacle of the paradigm of the homo double sapiens that could be epitomized by the cartesian paradigm- I think so I am- which leads to the binary mode- it’s this or that-

This paradigm is useful when it comes to put the man om the moon, but it is limited.

When it comes to access different level of information as quantum physics demonstrated, and that’s the ancient paradigm that ancient spirituality in Ancient Egypt and African espoused which is in line with current quantum physics discovery, it’s this, but it can be this or that- that’s when matter behave like a wave- where different probabilities are expressing the wholeness of  the quantum field where one can unite with the authentic divine self.


Here is the fulcrum-This is where you use your power with another question?

That is the hack of the master’s and its high-performance psychology at work.

That is the leveraging moment.

What can I learn here?

How can this benefit me to grow?

How can this help me to progress and move forward?

By doing that you regain your power and take charge of your thoughts- and you are back to becoming that winner you know you can be.

Today, that is the high-performance psychology approach in part two, I wanted to address and in the next and third part we will talk about the spiritual dimension.

I hope this served you today, please comment and share obviously, if you want to know more and you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our brand-new community, performance edge wisdom community. Performance Edge Wisdom Community-

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If you have any specific issue, you want me to talk about, you can submit them in the comments or request a specific video For topic Request-

 or if you want it to be confidential and you need the NDA, please send an email to [email protected].

Do not forget, “Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Live your Truth. And I will see you in part three.

Till next time, Live your Truth.