The Quantum Do

Performance Edge WeeklyĀ  Wisdom

Third Key Driver of Your Experience

applied spirit Apr 23, 2024

"What drives your success or your failure? What critical elements drive your experience?

There are three major drivers of your experience. I will show you in this video a new paradigm which, when you understand and apply it, will open your eyes, and allow you to take charge of your daily experience.

We are going to discuss the third element driver which is resources on how it impacts your everyday actions.

I am Coach Soul, welcome to our Performance Edge Weekly Wisdom (where spirit drives performance).

Today, I will share with you a new paradigm on the impact of resources within the different dimensions of human experience; particularly how it is beyond the resources themselves but rather the perception of the need for the resources. This will be the third set of three videos among the three key drivers of your experience; in case you have not seen part 1 (self-projection) or part 2 (social conformity) as key drivers, I highly recommend you check them out and come back to this one.

So today first, I will lay the foundation of spirit performance coaching so you can understand the upcoming performance edge wisdom nuggets I am going to share. Second, I will briefly share with you on how key resources can be seen as obvious drivers at first glance, but with your new understanding of the foundation of the quantum do and the different dimensions of human experience, you will be equipped with a new awareness that will allow you to be a leader of your experience from a higher level.

Third, I will show you a nuance and key concept that will help you make keen distinctions in the mental dimension and emotional dimension going forward when it comes to resources, which will translate into new behavioral choices and you leading with success in your experience. Let us jump in.

Humans experience themselves in five dimensions; the first dimension is the physical dimension. That dimension is experienced through the five senses: touch, smell, hearing, taste, and vision, and it is regulated with the apparent laws of physics and biology. That is your reality.

The next dimension is the mental dimension, which is regulated by the intellect, your thoughts. It is expanding.

The next dimension is the emotional dimension, which is regulated by your emotions and feelings, and feelings are the end product of your experience.

 And then you have the spirit dimension or the principle dimension; it is not visible to our naked eyes because it is in the quantum field, but it exists because we can see its impact—for example, the principle of gravity, the principle of electromagnetism. Then you have the death dimension; spirit is out of your physical body, which is another dimension; it is just that we cannot access it with the five senses.

That is a structural relationship that is important to grasp as a first pillar.

Now, the second pillar to understand in applied spirit, is that 'existence is a reflection of your essence!' And let me remind you that your essence is your authentic divine self, that which you want to know more of which happens through experience. I explained that extensively in a couple of my prior videos. If you want to review that, you can go back and look at it.

But with that said, if existence is a reflection of your essence,

Experience is a reference for your existence, which is your reality.

And so, if you follow the trail, attention is a gateway to your experience.

Why is that relevant? Attention is a gateway to your experience.

Now with these two pillars, you can understand the third pillar of the quantum do, which is 'your reality is a reflection of your spirit materialized into form.' So, you can see the three pillars and how they fit together:

 P1 - 5 Dimensions of experience,

P2 - Existence is a reflection of essence,

P3 - Your reality is a reflection of your spirit materialized into form.

So, with that understanding, we can move on to the second part of this video and share a new perspective on how the third key driver of your experience is resources. Please pay attention because it is beyond what I am going to share right this second and I hope you keep an open mind until the end. By resources, you can include energy (do you have enough energy to act, to think), or Another resource is time (are you on a deadline or do you have all the time in the world), And of course, resources like money (do you have enough money or not to sustain yourself or your existence) are obvious ones. But here is the kicker and that is one performance edge wisdom nugget in today’s video. The driven force is not necessarily in the resources themselves but rather your perception of what you think you need. Here the key word is your perception of what you think you need. Why is it relevant,

because the leading element is in the mental dimension. And this is where you must be careful because that’s where illusion resides, and illusions are the root causes of a lot of suffering in your experience. For example, this is a place where people can get easily confused between what they need versus what they want. I want to preface that we are talking about beyond the survival and basic physical needs (water, shelter etc.). What do I mean?

A simple example - I am hungry and I need energy - which is a resource, so I am driven to seek food. Now what I eat, and how much, for example, is not necessarily driven by the resource itself but by my perception of what I need.

This is where marketers are good at inception - they manipulate your want and impregnate you to believe that it is a need. So, your authentic desire gets tainted and becomes a manufactured desire which translates into an illusion in the mental dimension. In simple terms, you have an image of how things must be - you have that delicious image of how that fast food will make you feel and then you see it as a need. And there you go; you can extrapolate beyond food. People have a need for ten cars, the need for 3-4 yachts and let us keep going - that is at the basis of wars. Don’t you think that there are enough resources for the eight billion people on this earth to be nourished? I hope that you can see what we just established - the image of how things ought to be is at the root cause of your drive in the mental dimension even though we can see that some of them are illusion generated through manufactured desires in the spirit dimension.

So, you can clearly see it is not necessarily the resources themselves but your perception of what you think you need. And now that leads us into the third part of this video – and it’s important because the illusion driver power becomes stronger when one you are not aware of this - it’s one word - attachment.

Attachment is what creates a strong link between the image and the illusion versus what you truly need, and it is that bond that solidifies your intention which drives your action to pursue what you see as a need. And so, attachment creates a perception of a need, which creates an expectation, that expectation will shape how you perceive and how you interpret your experience in the present and voila. So, to take charge, that is the second performance edge wisdom nugget today - what is the level of attachment to what you think you need (Is it a want, a need?) Looking at the fact you need to recognize the nuances and be self-honest. If you don't get what you want, clearly, it is a lack of alignment, that tells you there is a need for spiritual growth and the secret is to understand that the one event that you had, where you didn’t get what you wanted does not define who you are. It is an indicator of your need to grow, right? In other words

In other words, do not attach your identity to that image. Okay, I can talk some more, but you know, I hope this serves you today and you can use those performance nuggets, and if you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our exclusive new community, Performance Edge Wisdom Community. You can get your questions answered and the link is below, and you will get access to more tips and relevant answers to your real problem. And if you have any specific questions also, you want me to answer, you can submit them to or if you want to be confidential and you need an NDA, you can also submit an email to the team at [email protected]. That is what I wanted to share with you today on how the perception of resources and not necessarily the need of the resource is really a key driver of your success or failure.

 So, I hope you can see it, because do not forget, failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence. Until next time, 'live your truth.'"