The Quantum Do

Performance Edge Weekly  Wisdom

Self-Projection a Key Driver To Your Success

applied spirit Apr 09, 2024

What drives your success or failure?

How do you take charge of your experience?

There are three major drivers of your experience. The first driver is "self-projection.”

I will show you in this video a new paradigm which if you understand and apply will open your eyes and will allow you to take charge of your daily experience.

I am Coach Soul- Welcome to Our Performance Edge Weekly Wisdom, “Where Spirit Drives Performance.”

In today’s video I am going to share with you how self-projection is a major key driver that determines your success through your experience.

This will be the first of three videos’ series among the three key drivers of your experience.

I will share with you a new paradigm on the impact of self-projection within the different dimensions of human experience and that understanding will equip you with a sustainable framework on how you take charge of your reality and focus.

First, I will show you the impact of self-projection in the mental dimension,

Second, we will explore the impact of self-projection in the emotional dimension,

Third, I will show you the final reflection of self-projection in the physical dimension which translates into behaviors choices that lead into results you experience!

Let us jump in!

Let me lay the foundation of spirit performance so you can understand the upcoming framework.

Existence is a reflection of your essence.

And your essence is your authentic divine self that which you want to know more of, which happens through experience- I explained that extensively in my prior video (if you want to review that).

But with that said if existence is the reflection of your essence,

Experience is the reference for your existence! Which is Your reality!

And Attention is the gateway to your experience!

Why is that relevant? It is because of the following.

If attention is the gateway to your experience in one hand, on the other hand

Self-projection is the gateway to your attention!

This is why self-projection is the key driver to your success because it is behind your experience and so we need to take this further now and add the dimensions factors.

Human experience themselves, in five dimensions-

As a reminder – The first dimension is the physical dimension. Experienced through the five senses, the touch, the smell, the hearing, taste, the vision, and that is regulated with the apparent law of physics and biology. The next dimension is the emotional dimension which is really regulated by our emotions, and feelings.

Feelings are the end product of your experience.

Then you have the spirit dimensions, or the principle dimensions, it is not visible in our naked eyes because it is in the quantum field.

Then you have the death dimension- spirit is out of your physical body.

Now with that foundation of applied spirit just shared we can dig into the frameworks.

Self-projection can have a significant impact in the mental dimension via

  1. Perception of Events: that is revealed through major questions.

What are you focusing on?

What are you thinking about?

        What can you control?

What cannot you control?

What is it limiting?

What do you have?

What don’t you have?

 What is possible?

What is not possible?

These questions underlined one thing:’ You see the world from who you are... you cannot see the world differently…

It is a reflection of what is activated in you.

ReflectionèPerceptionè self-projection

In simple terms you have an image of how things ought to be!

If you have a hammer, you will be looking for nails “ONLY.”

In general, if you project yourself into the future, or in the memories you are imagining specific outcomes or scenarios. And so, these expectations would shape how you perceive and interpret your experiences in the present.

For example, if you have an image of seeing yourself as this super leader or performer you might envisions yourself succeeding with your team performance growth and you may perceive the economic change process more positively, leading to increased confidence and better performance. If the outcome is not positive be aware that it can lead to frustration as well…and with that you can see how we are transitioning to the next dimension the emotional dimension.

So can you clearly see the discernment- Self-projection can have a significant impact in the mental dimension via-Perception of Events: It is a reflection of what is activated in you. ReflectionèPerception.

Through that image there is engagement in the emotional dimension,

If through that image you had anticipated positive outcomes, you may feel more optimistic, hopeful, and excited about your current activities. On the other hand, negative projections can lead to feelings of anxiety, fear, or pessimism.

These emotional responses will color how you experience events.

What bothers us with people is what we want from them.

What do you feel?

What are Your doubts?

What are Your fears?

That leads us straight into the physical dimension, where based on the feeling you have, there will be Behavioral decisions:

The expectations formed through self-projection will impact behavioral choices. For instance, someone who envisions themselves as a successful entrepreneur may be more likely to take risks, pursue opportunities, and persist through challenges. Conversely, if individuals project a negative future outcome, they may avoid certain activities or opportunities out of fear or uncertainty. Those actions are anchored into your five senses-What do you see (5 senses)?

As you act, you become successful, or if you do not get the outcome you want, you can course correct and get the alignment for success you need,

because now with the double understanding on how self-projection impact the different dimensions and the knowledge of the principle that Existence is a reflection of your essence you can act from a higher level. And you can do that because you understand two fundamentals that we teach in spirit performance coaching.

Two fundamentals-

1-Self honesty- Look at the facts.

If you suck-admit it-

Denial is the enemy of progress and spiritual growth; on the other hand, you must know what you stand for-

Recognize the Nuance- which is that you need be anchor to your values è the guy that wanted me to prove my courage, I paid attention to it but moved on!

2-If you do not get what you want- clearly it is a lack of alignment è need of spiritual growth.

Secret- is to understand that the one event does not define who you are – rather it is an indicator of your need to grow- in other words do not attach your identity to that image.

I hope this served you today, please comment and share obviously, if you want to know more and you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our brand-new community, performance edge wisdom community. Performance Edge Wisdom Community-

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If you have any specific issue, you want me to talk about, you can submit them in the comments or request a specific video For topic Request-

 or if you want it to be confidential and you need the NDA, please send an email to [email protected].

Do not forget, “Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Live your Truth. And I will see you in part three.

Till next time, Live your Truth.