The Quantum Do

Performance Edge WeeklyĀ  Wisdom

How To Overcome Recurring Negative Thoughts? Part 3

applied spirit Mar 26, 2024

Do you have recurring negative thoughts?

So, today will be the third and last set of three best practices that will help you overcome recurring negative thoughts.

I will give you the next level of understanding that the quantum do™ teaches from an applied spirit vantage point so that you can be on your way to overcoming recurring negative thoughts.

I will share with you a new paradigm on why we have entered a new era of human evolution, but many people are not aware of it and hopefully that new understanding that I will share will open a new window for you to amplify your impact. Second, I will show you a new model on how humans operate, which will equip you to create a sustainable breakthrough. And third, I will provide you with a solution you could use right away so you can start baby steps of spirit performance coaching.

Before we move further, I am assuming that you have read or watched part one and part two, and that despite the two pillars, you still have recurring negative thoughts.

So, let us start with the first building block in spirit performance coaching. Which starts with a new world view that only a few people are aware of! Simply, we are living in a "vuca" world, which means there is more demand and pressure imposed on us. In today's volatile, uncertain complex, and ambiguous world (vuca world), the many demands in our lives have highlighted the challenges that are multi-level and more complex. So, we need a new paradigm.


Because quite simply, the old models are no longer working, and you know why?

It is a failure to realize that human current consciousness has reached its apex, and we are running an old software.

What do I mean?

For context- in part two, we discussed the ancestor of the current human species or the homo double sapiens or the homo sapiens sapiens, which has two knowing which is "I know that I know" or " we can think about what we are thinking. " But to excel in the vuca world, the sole viewpoint of I can think about what I was thinking about has reached it limits!

So, the pinnacle of that paradigm can be described with the cartesian model, which is the father, was Rene Descartes, the French philosopher and mathematician in 1600's which coined " I think, so I am". The reality is that "I think so, I am” is immensely powerful.

That is what allowed us to go to the moon. That is what allowed us to do amazing surgeries and save lives, and of course, it is still needed today. But obviously, in the vuca world that paradigm has reached its limits because it's fundamentally based on a binary world view.

So, as an evolving humanity. We are hitting a wall, and this is because we need a new paradigm. And that is what quantum do teach. We have entered a new era of the homo sapiens sapiens sapiens, or the homo triple sapiens. It is the era of the homo triple sapiens who says.

"I know more than I know that I know" so, there is third knowing that our human species need to tap into! That was known from ancient tradition. And that is the missing link. And it is spiritual intelligence "SQ" you might have heard about cognitive intelligence. "IQ". You have heard about emotional intelligence "EQ", but what has not been democratized yet is spiritual intelligence “SQ. So, the time has come to immerse people into applied spirit, and everyone needs to be equipped. So, I do not have a whole time to explain about the quantum do ™here. But you can find out more about that by watching my video about the quantum do™.

"The quantum do" is a spirit elevation platform system that equips people to move them from being rigid, from being stuck, from being self-absorbed, from being doubtful, from being frustrated or overwhelmed, to being effectively in the flow, confident ease of state of optimal performance. Now, let us come back to the homo triple sapiens era and I want to explain that fundamental new reality that escaping a lot of people that people need to understand, and I am going to explain it from three vantage points. So, you have no doubt, and you can grasp the relevance of this new understanding.

So, what does that mean that we have entered a new era of homo sapiens sapiens sapiens, or homo triple sapiens?

So, the homo triple sapiens evolution comes from a third knowing- how?

" I know more than I know that I know" so it is - I am certain that I know certain things deep within me, but I just do not know them yet from my rational brain and my current realities.

How can you be certain of that?

This is scientific. The quantum field is a field of energy that in our daily activities, our brain waves cannot access all of it. So, we talked about how different frequencies will give you different information. What it is clear is that scientifically different animals have access to different earth electromagnetic field, if you look at different energetical information fields, so, for example, the bat at night, the snake or many animals they know before an earthquake manifest, where to hide or where to move on, so similarly, we know for a fact that the brain has different wave frequencies, we looked at them last time.

So, meaning based on where your brain zip code is functionally operating most of the time, you will be able to access only what you are tuning into and nothing else outside of that. So, the key is to learn to train your brain waves so you can have access to all the ranges that your brain can produce and have access to.

And that is what we do in the quantum do. In fact, just an example. If you are a leader or struggle with innovation or have vision for your team as a leader, it is simply because you have not learned to go outside of your current brain wave frequency zip code.

So now, with the advent of quantum physics, we know that the observer affects the observation. But beyond that, a simple, down to earth practical vantage point is that what? It is to acknowledge with humility the simple fact that what we call "unknown" today is just what we have not discovered yet.

So, it is in the "unknown" that new experiences happened, and so that is why you want to enter that unknown new grace! This is relevant because when you have negative recurring thoughts it means that deep within you. You know that something needs to be expressed. You know that something needs to be known in simple terms, you know that there is more to be experienced, more to be expressed, more to be known. And this is why, in spirit performance coaching the need for self-honesty is key. So, when you stand, and you say "I know more than I know that I know" it is that inherent knowing that allows you to bridge the invisible with the visible.

This is where spirituality and science meet. Yes, and I do not have a whole time to go here in more detail. But here but you are if you are genuinely interested, I have developed an online course, "radiant soul. " - six weeks online course that goes into further details and you can check on that on my website.

But let us come back to why that first principle is important because it leads to a second one, which is the second principle because” you are here in this human existence to experience your essence and your authentic divine self.”

So, in other words, your existence is a primal desire of your spirit desire and to experience yourself. Existence is a reflection of your essence. For example, a good metaphor I like to teach my clients is when you go to a restaurant. The restaurant menu is, of the essence, with all the potentialities! And when you order your meal, you are experiencing in flesh one meal, among many others that were on the menu.

So, the meal you are having reflects the menu. So, this is relevant because when you have negative recurring thoughts, it means there is a misalignment in the reflection between your authentic spirit desires and your experience with that understanding that lead us to principle three, which is basically human, experience themselves in different dimensions, and you will see why it's relevant because when you have negative recurring thoughts, the five main dimensions of men which are right now the physical dimension, the mental dimension, the emotional dimension, the spirit dimension and the death dimension why those are relevant? Because when you have recurring negative thoughts, it means you are stuck in misalignment in a mental dimension.

But you will agree with me that recurring negative thoughts is also reflected if you pay attention to recurring negative fear, recurring negative feeling in the emotional dimension. So, because the bigger the misalignment and the wider the gap between your authentic desires against your reality, the more you experience emotional pain, and that pain can take many forms like addictions.

Obviously, the addiction to quick pills is the first one. But it can be addiction to other substances, and that emotional pain will keep increasing if not managed with awareness, because pain reflects a deep fear that needs to be resolved. And that is a spiritual work where we need to grow.

And we need to evolve because fear is protecting and all consciousness level and the "old" you that is outdated and that need to be outgrown. So, for example, for some people, the urge to take a drug, for example, in the physical demission is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain in physical dimension, which is the result of an emotional unbalance in the emotional dimensions, which is also an unbalance in a mental dimension due to the illusions that are contrasting to your reality, which in turn is also further a result of misalignment of your authentic desire in the spirit dimension versus your reality. How is it so? That lead us to principal four- " your performance and your results are a reflection of your key spirit performance indicators.

Your reality is spirit actualized into form. That is a fundamental paradigm in the quantum do that is based and known from the early human civilizations. But that has been lost but revitalized with the quantum do research. So, to simply put it, when you have recurring.

Negative thoughts with depression, anxiety, the stress you face is a misalignment between your authentic spirit desire versus your reality. Haven't you noticed that for some people, despite fame, despite money, there is still that constant seeking? Why? Because the ultimate game of existence is alignment.

That is the best skill the masters in all cultures. Have tried to teach throughout the age’s alignment between your authentic spirit, desires, and your reality, and I do not have time to go all over. But let me give you an example of just one of the key spirit indicators. That is tension, so, why does tension occur when tension occurs? It is a signal that you have a spiritual growth opportunity that is seeking to be expressed, to be expressed, especially when you have recurring negative thoughts thought. Tension is felt when there is a misalignment between the illusions you have from the three drivers of your experience versus your authentic desires, and it means you are not able to see your true reflections because of illusions that are in your way.

So, like a dusty mirror, it is hard for you, so I do not have time to explain it at all. But I want to just give you an example of a one key spirit performance indicator tension, so that can help you. So why does tension occur?

Tension occurs when it is a signal that you have a spiritual growth opportunity that is seeking to be expressed, especially when you are recurring.

When you have recurring negative thoughts, tension is felt when there is a misalignment between the illusion you have from the three drivers of your experience versus you versus your authentic spirit desires. What happens is that you are not able to see your true reflection because of illusions that are on your way. So, it is like a dusty mirror.

It is hard for you to clearly see because illusions interfere with your true reflections and that causes misalignment and pain as a result. So, the key secret is to realize that your expectations correspond to an identity and to an image, and then the spirit work is for you to see that that there is an expectation the spirit work is for you to see that there is an expectation of what I want, an expectation of a value.

An expectation of an image of what I am supposed to have, what I am supposed to be, so whether that image, that identity, that value needs to be outgrown or if you need to change the magnitude of your approach or your procedure. So, spirit reflections are designed to identify the element driver, which is seeking expression. So, the spirit work is two folds.

One. To uncover that latent consciousness level that needs to be outgrown, and should you evolve from that, make that decision, which means you need to review that image expectation for the three drivers. And so, if you still have negative recurring thoughts, they are not authentic desires because mostly they are coming from one of the drivers that you know I talk about in one of my videos if you have not.

But the three drivers are social conformity, self-projection and resources, so in any case, if a desire of expectation is authentic, you will be able to see your reflection, and you will be able to evolve from that latent consciousness that you are you are not aware of. So, when you are able to unfold the consciousness level.

That is the cause of your attention, you are able to release that tension, which was the cause of your stress, which led you, for example, to maybe overeating or, you know, or not wanting to exercise or, you know, just blowing up.

Or that is what got you into the emotional dilemma. So, everything that becomes symptomatic that your physician treats you for, you know, through medication, so, if you can manage that at the root cause, you will not need to manage that sent level. Yes.

So, yes, it will take some training and awareness. Training, you know your awareness. But then you will be positioned with a lifelong methodology. And yes, I want to be cognizant of time and I can talk about this for every two or three hours.

But I want to be conscient of your time. So, if you want to know more and you want to continue this conversation with me, please join our exclusive performance edge wisdom community. Performance Edge Wisdom Community-

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Do not forget, “Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Till next time, Live your Truth.