The Quantum Do

Performance Edge WeeklyĀ  Wisdom

What To Do With Not Being Enough?

applied spirit May 14, 2024

What To Do With Not Being Enough?

Have you ever felt like you are just not enough?

Like no matter how hard you try, it is never quite good, successful, or perfect enough?"

It is a feeling that can creep up on you when you least expect it.

You are not alone, I have been there, and we all have been there in some way shape or form and if you say No-not me,

It is something you do not recognize!

How do I know that?

Because it is exactly what we will discuss in today’s video

The Feeling of Inadequacy!

Why this feeling is among one the most experienced universal feelings of lack that exist in our human experience and what to do with not being enough!

I am Coach Soul, welcome to our Performance Edge Weekly Wisdom,

In today’s topic we will discuss one of the most universal important limiting feelings that most human being experienced-

Am I enough?

Do I fit in?

Am I capable?

Do I belong?

Am I perfect?

Am I worth it?

Am I valuable?

What To Do with Not Being Enough?

In today's topic, I will share with you in the first part, the causes of the Feeling of Inadequacy- why it is the most universal feeling of lack that is shared across our human species.

Second, I will share with you why that feeling can creep up on you when you least expect it and how to be conscious of it when it arises etc.

Third I will share with you a new paradigm that will enable you to be equipped forever so that you can address this feeling because I will address a new model on how humans operate that will make you understand why you struggle with not being enough.

Ready? Let us jump in

So why that feeling of being inappropriate is prevalent in our human experience?

It is deeply anchored in our survival as a human species, as a homo sapiens sapiens it takes up all the way to our teenage years and even more nowadays in order to be independent and be able to survive on your own.

So, you learn social codes, and you inherit values from your caretakers, your environment on what it takes to make it and remain alive. From our birth, as a little fragile vulnerable human baby we learn to adhere to values according to what we perceived that our care takers see as acceptable so we can be taken care of. Technically it means that one of our deepest fears is that we do not feel enough and so we do not feel worthy of being accepted and loved.

That constant basic need software is running in the background of our unconscious awareness.

With that understanding of this universal basic human need since birth, we can talk about the second part of today’s topic!

Now you might ask, as we grow and mature, why that feeling of inadequacy is still experienced in some shape or form? Why that feeling can creep up on you when you least expect it?

That is a perfect transition to what I share in the quantum do ™ regarding the three drivers of your experience-

So, there are three practical drivers of your experience, where the feeling of inadequacy gets its roots.

Self-Projection (based on the programing we discussed earlier), there are doubts, insecurities, fears that shape your personality, what you learn and want to unlearn from your caretakers etc.

Social Conformity, values, keeping up with the Joneses. Here this is driven because you compare yourself to your neighbors and even more you need to check your social surroundings, and this can even extend to social media are the people in your circle toxic or supportive- do they put you down or uplift you.

Resources (money, time, energy) ... as the third driver.

I do not have the whole time to discuss that here, but you can check out my earlier videos.

Here’s what you need to remember which is at the basis of understanding one of the pillars of the quantum do- it’s this – regardless of the practical drivers- what you are doing on an unconscious level is that you are comparing yourself with a reference, an image of what the expectation of what the norm is.

So, you are comparing yourself with that image that you hold within you most of the time unconsciously.

Specifically, I have been there.

I do not know what it is for you? but for me what comes for me sometimes.

Is as a first-generation immigrant in the US, the country where I spent most of my life, What I had to face is the inappropriate feeling of “Do I belong, Do I fit in?”

I do not know what it is for you-Maybe it is the pressure to excel in your careers, or the fear of not meeting society's expectations, or perhaps it is the constant comparison to others on social media.

Feeling like I am not smart enough, not talented enough, not attractive enough.

Whatever that it is for you, we have all faced feeling of being Self-critical. This is what you have to watch for because that leads us to the third part of our topic for today.

It is critical to understand why you struggle with not being enough and this is my favorite because we get into the core pillars of the quantum do and understand some aspects of spirit performance coaching that is not in the mainstream.

Not many people know about it, but we have entered a new era; the era of the homo triple sapiens (homo sapiens sapiens sapiens)- it is the evolution of human consciousness.

What is the difference, it is the evolution in awareness and the inherent third knowing in which, is rooted and grounded the homo triple sapiens-

How is it so?

The term “sapiens” from latin means to know- to be aware of.

So, the homo triple sapiens is equipped with the knowing and grounding- that.

I know More than I know that I know-

With that grounding the homo triple sapiens understand three fundamentals-

First, I am here to experience and know more of my authentic divine self,

 And second That knowing stems from understanding the core principle that ‘existence is a reflection of essence (which is divine) and that lead us to the third pillar of the homo triple sapiens, since you did not create yourself,

When you are already whole, and you are a miracle and a masterpiece.

When you look at the probabilities of you being born among the billions of sperms that could have been, you will realize that you are perfect with your imperfection.

Think about your heartbeat, beating with perfection, or you are breathing and lungs!

You are divine and already perfect and here is the new paradigm that will change your perspective forever if you understand what I am going to share, and you apply it in a discipline and cohesive manner.

I want to repeat that it’s important that you understand the magic that you are, because you have unique fingerprint that no one else has  on this planet , meaning you are a unique blueprint that no one else can fill  on this planet, which means you are enough BUT here’s the duality that you need to understand in the human experience-

Since existence is a reflection of essence, and existence is your spirit desire to express itself in the physical plane, the most crucial element to understand is that duality that exist because of the two dimensions (spirit dimension and the physical dimension)-

In a way your essence is that wholeness- like the picture of the finished puzzle.

So, experience is a piece or a part of the puzzle and that needs to be differentiated from the whole so that’s where desire comes from-(Des-ire)- from the father – from the essence.

What drives us is the need to fill that missing piece of the puzzle-

That’s what create the pull, that’s the magnet which create and ignite the “E_MOTION” – (energy in motion), Like the electron moving, the negative pole driving the motion- the need to fulfill that missing piece. So, there is a projection on the physical plane reflected through your conditions that something is missing, that there is a lack-

So, in your circumstances there’s that feeling of lack (that feeling of not being complete, that feeling of being incomplete) that is being generated so you can start to move toward becoming and that’s where the word fulfillment comes from- to complete, to achieve, to realize, to implement. You are filling up that missing piece of puzzle which in fact is just a projection and reflection of that which you wanted to experience in the first place from your essence.

And the practical evidence is this- if you were not enough you would no longer exist. If you are still breathing, it means you are enough, and you have something to contribute to.

That duality is important to understand because it is about understanding the different dimensions of operations, because it is that initial feeling of not being complete is needed in order for you to be triggered to experience the desire of your spirit to be manifested.

So, by fulfilling your role which started with you feeling imperfect you are making the whole moment perfect. Which means you are perfect because you are accountable for your contribution to this planet.

In that understanding, you come back to base, you need to know that you are whole otherwise you would not be able to do this.

That is why the kryptonite to the feeling of inadequacy is self-love and accepting yourself because you understand the duality-

That you are perfect in your imperfection-here is the thing – You're enough, just as You are. You do not have to be perfect or have it all figured out. You just have to be yourself.

Instead of focusing on what You're not, let us celebrate who You are. Let us embrace your strengths, your quirks, and your imperfections. Because it is those things that make you unique and valuable.

So, the next time you feel like you're not enough, remember this – you are worthy, you are capable, and you are more than enough, just as you are."

This is a topic I’m passionate about as you can tell but I want to be considerate of your time here and, but I hope it serves you today and that you can use those performance nuggets and if you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our exclusive

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And, if you have any issue, you want me to talk about, you can submit them in the comments or request a specific video on www., or if you want it to be confidential and you need the NDA please send an email to [email protected].

Do not forget, “Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Till next time. Live Your Truth.

Coach Soul Out.

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