The Quantum Do

Performance Edge Weekly  Wisdom

How To Make Your Life A Master Piece By Learning How To Serve

applied spirit Jan 16, 2024

How To  Make Your Life A Master Piece By Learning How To Serve

With Dr Martin Luther Jr Birthday this week, it was a good reminder for me to talk about the topic of service not necessarily from a civil rights or society perspective but to take it even further to show you why to be in service leads to higher performance. To be in service is a critical spiritual imperative and more importantly with all the key indicators on how that lead to progress and outstanding lasting legacies.

The animating principle that allows balance and harmony in the universe is service”- each element is serving each other for greater balance.

 For more in depth about that understanding, I have built this, where I dive into three most important aspect that are the positive benefits of being in service and why developing to learn deliberately that skill is a not a nice to have BUT a MUST to have.

So first, not only you are going to understand why anyone that you consider greatest of all time in their field in all cultures had a secret drive of service (whether they knew it or not)

Second you will see why the ultimate winning mindset is rooted into a developing the edge to be of service,

Third I’ll share with you as a spirit performance coach why mastery equates to developing the skill of learning to be in service and it is a spiritual imperative that results in a life of legacy and mastery, and fulfillment.


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