The Quantum Do

Performance Edge Weekly  Wisdom

How To Activate Your Greatness

applied spirit Feb 21, 2024

How To Be The Ground For The Seeds of Greatness!


The seeds of greatness can only grow on rich and fertile soil, and I will quickly share with you how you can create that fertile ground in you.


To activate the most fertile ground in you, which is the most rich, beautiful, and powerful place a human being can be, you will need to cultivate and develop on how to access the different brain waves frequencies and align it with your deep desires.


Before diving into the details, I want to quickly share a real nature story with you-

Have you heard of pygophile plants- like lodgepole pine or long leaf pine.

The cones of these pines are closed tight with resin that melts during a fire and release seeds that have been stored for years. The passage of fire by increasing temperature and releasing smoke is necessary to raise seeds dormancy of pygophile cones.

Basically, they depend on fire to clear the ground for seed germination.

Human beings are not different!

To germinate the seeds of greatness that are dormant, you need rich soil.

That fertile soil or rich soil is activated when you learn to reach a humility brain wave state.

Humility brain wave state-

It is the most powerful place that we must learn to cultivate and develop.

As a reminder humility comes from the root’s humus in Latin- which means rich-fertile.

So, when you activate the humility brain wave state you are in that rich place to activate the seeds of greatness that are dormant in you.

Now let us be specific since we are talking about brain waves.

In High performance, specifically when you zoom in into spirit performance coaching which is my specialty, you need to understand the changes in cognitive performance.

The distinct types of brain waves -

Delta waves frequencies (0-4Hertz)-mostly during deep sleep (body healing and cells restoring)

Theta((4-8Hz), Early stage of drowsiness, day dreaming, sleepy 

Alpha (8-13)-State of relaxed wakefulness (decreased in fixation, visual stimulation)

Beta - state of alertness - daily activities 

Low beta (12-15 Hz)- when you are thinking. 

Beta waves (15-22)- activities of focus

High beta (22-38)- excited or anxious- or when you experience something new or complex thoughts. 

Gamma waves are the fastest brain waves(30-80Hz)- highly alert and conscious. 


Why is this relevant? It is because different frequencies will give you access to different information.

A simple obvious example is that of different animals’ abilities for example, bat, or snake that can see in the dark, or infrared or feel the earth electromagnetic field ahead of any upcoming earthquake.

Why does that matter to you?

Meaning the more you can train yourself to access different levels of your brain the more you can optimize your daily experience; and I am saying that because most people during most of the full day are functioning in almost two gears- beta waves most of the time- doing, doing and then sleep.

Even with sleep, the challenge is that if you do not get enough sleep (you will not activate the delta level frequencies- which is the state of healing and cells restoration)-

So, the myth of “superhuman” that thinks that they can sleep only 3-4 hours/day is a lunacy because eventually, it will catch up to you.

This is just an example to illustrate my point about the need to be able to use all the range of our brain capabilities, but it is used sub optimally unfortunately.

Now why is that relevant, because the humility brain wave is accessed at the theta level and high gamma, during the state of coherence.

Brain and Heart coherence can be defined as a state in which the brain and heart work together efficiently. This occurs when the heart’s electrical activity syncs with the brainwaves.

How to recognize that place in your day/day?

It is the richest grounding place, and the most beautiful and powerful place a human can be –


Because you are able to access different information in the quantum field that you are not able to access at the beta frequency-

In that place you are open, because it is a place where you are learning about your limitations which means really learning about your true power!

Learning about your limitations is learning about your true powers-

Your authentic divine self and your essence- because you see the limitations of your ego – which means the limitation of your illusions-


It is a place of vulnerability, where it feels like you are naked in front of a crowd but a place of total abandonment and acceptance of WHAT IS!

What that translates to is that is empowerment!

IN that place you are able to say I am!

In that moment you have revealed and accepted your divine self, your essence!

At that moment you have taken your power back because you have no more attachment holding you back to AN identity!

In that place you are able to say - As below so it as Above!

In that place you are embodying and manifesting your higher self on earth!!

It is the recognition in this moment that you are ready to see the authentic desire come into flesh manifested!

Your role is to become that ground of creation since the seeds are already in you.

Your role is to activate that ground so the seeds can germinate!

The fire 🔥like with the pine cones are those unwanted moments that look you can no longer bear or tolerate!

Your back is against the wall!

Where you have exhausted your cognitive abilities, meaning your brain is no longer functioning at the alpha level frequency but rather your brain has reached the delta level frequency.

In there you can connect to the quantum field and get the answer you were looking for!

And that is the liberation phase! By asking yourself at that moment- what is in me trying to reveal itself?

You are then able to unravel the mystery and the purpose of the fire you encounter which was to help you germinate those seeds of greatness ...

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