The Quantum Do

Performance Edge WeeklyĀ  Wisdom

The Paralyzing Power of Self-Judgment (How To Break Free)

applied spirit Oct 01, 2024

Desire can be magical when you are aligned with your authentic spirit desire, but desire can also be crippling when you are misaligned.

The thrill of desire is that it stimulates, and desire is a strong catalyst in the cycle of performance and manifestation from Essence to Existence!

However, when desire is misaligned, it can hijack your attention and paralyzed your performance and results,

Today we’ll be talking about the paralyzing power of self-judgment and how to break free from it.

In the first part we’ll be discussing about the nature of desire, and second, I’ll share the inherent relationship between desire and self-judgment and third I’ll share how to break free from the endless loop of desire and self-judgment which will give you a new awareness that will equip you to perform at higher levels.

Ready? Let’s jump in

First of all, let's look closely at desire at its core.

When we look at existence with big "E."

There is an initial impulse that is the fundamental principle that starts the initial movement of your spirit desire from the cosmic celestial realm.

That initial movement in the spirit dimension ignite the momentum of creation that starts in the essence of your soul.

That initial impulse is your Desire - ( “Des-“ “ire” )-

Desire etymologically comes from the Latin word "dēsīderāre", meaning "to long for, wish for, or demand." It is composed of two parts:

"dē-": prefix meaning "away" or "off."

"sīder-": Derived from "sidus", meaning "star" or "heavenly body."

In simple terms from the father, from our divine self that wants to know more of itself in the physical dimension!

That knowing is done through exploring in what we called experience!

Experience is the source of knowledge!

What’s Follow your burning desire is the process of attachment !

Attachment generates intention which allows you to take action and move forward to make things happen! So that we can experience that which we intended to know more about!

The stronger the impulse, the more powerful will your intention become!

In fact, if you read think and grow rich from Napoleon Hill he talks about the burning desire! As the flame that starts all success and achievement.

And so When your desire is authentic and there’s alignment you get into a flow.

But when there’s misalignment illusion is created and here’s start PAIN!

That’s where it can get tricky because you don’t want to linger there!

 And that leads us to the second part I wanted to share the inherent relationship between desire and self-judgment.

When you don’t get what you want it means there’s a misalignment between your desires and your performance , results and reality.

In that cycle your attention gets tricked into what you don’t want and this is where desire becomes a curse because your attention gets locked into what you don’t want !

Your attention reveals what you’re attached to ! Where your attention goes , your experience follows!

Meaning in your experience it allows you to identify what it is missing and what you need which is not necessarily what you want!

So, the work and the challenge becomes to not be stuck there!

Because as you become stuck in the want/don’t want loop your experience becomes unwanted repetitive and cyclic!

What do I mean concretely.

Because of the attachment link with the manufactured desire you are not able to detach yourself with your attention on what you don’t want.

 Your attention is fixated on what you don’t want, but the deeper challenge is that as you try to break free from what you don’t want your attention goes back unto what you want inherently with a self-judgment of who you have been. So, your attention is trapped into these two places.

So either your attention is trapped into the identification of what you don’t want to be meaning you are experiencing what you don’t want anyway

Or your attention is trapped in being the judge and the self-judgment comes in unto who you have been (that you don’t want to be).

In those two places your attention is caught in a cyclic loop of the judge of what you don’t want or the actual experience of what you don’t want.

It’s the illusion of separation of the same self, because when you judge you are not present to the content that you are experiencing and judging but rather you are present to the self that you wish you were not.

The judge is basically the observer of this me that doesn’t want to see what it does versus the me that the judge sees as the offender- so it’s a split mind, that creates an illusion of separation between the judge and the offender. And in that loops we get stuck between And unless you can discern the illusion nested ( in the want/don’t want ) the negative pattern grow stronger and become a crisis!

Health crisis , financial crisis, relationship crisis!

That’s where the alignment work comes !

That’s where it lead us to the third part how to break free?

Knowing what you don’t want is a reveal stage in your spiritual path and growth !

The alignment consist to integrate the illusion- integrate the judge and the offender because it’s the same you. That unification creates an awareness and foster your alignment.

 The alignment allows you to see what your authentic desire was in the first place, from that alignment you become liberated from the attachment, and you get into optimal flow, fulfillment, happiness and joy because you have identified that which you wanted to experience and to know more in the first place!

That’s where growth lies because you have been able to integrate and access that higher consciousness and you are on to next adventure!

Now, I can talk about this some more but want to respect your time and if you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our brand-new community, performance edge wisdom community. Performance Edge Wisdom Community-

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And, if you have any issue, you want me to talk about, you can submit them in the comments or request a specific video on www.Thequantumdo.Com/video, or if you want it to be confidential and you need the NDA please send an email to [email protected].

So, what are your thoughts?

Desire can be powerful and magical tool if you understand what it is, how it works and how to use it, but desire can be crippling master that can destroy your performance, your life if you let control your attention!

 If this served you today, please share, subscribe, Share your experiences in the comments below!

and do not forget,

“Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Till next time

Live your truth,

Coach Soul -Out