The Quantum Do

Performance Edge WeeklyĀ  Wisdom

The Biggest Performance Inhibitor

applied spirit fear performance Sep 19, 2024

What is the greatest Performance Edge Inhibitor?

Whether in business, sports or creative pursuits, fear can seriously limit your ability to perform at your best.

We’ll review why Fear, often labeled as a primal emotion is the Greatest Performance Inhibitor and what to do so that it is no longer one of the most significant obstacles to your high and peak performance.


Today, we’ll be talking about Fear as your greatest performance edge inhibitor and how to overcome it and I promise you, you really want to pay close attention to the four different parts we will discuss here.

In the first part, we’ll review the negative impact of fear on your performance. In the second part we’ll see the five different forms of fear’s manifestation in your day/day so you can identify them when you are facing them which will make you understand why fear is the silent killer of your performance. In the third part which is my favorite we’ll dig deeper in the spirit performance realm where I’ll share with you the root cause of fear which will equip you to understand whenever fear arises and that will lead us into the fourth part on what to do to overcome fear since you will know the root causes.

Let’s jump in!

Fear can be a powerful motivator as a primal emotion to ignite or trigger you to change or to move from your stagnant circumstances, but when it becomes excessive or misplaced, it can severely impede your performance.

Let’s talk about the obvious one on the physical dimension.

Fear as a survival mechanism is helpful when you have a lion in front of you, because

When faced with fear, your brain shifts into a fight-or-flight or freeze mode, releasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline.

So, this fight-or-flight or freeze mode is useful in life threatening circumstances but unfortunately it is damaging when it comes to focus, strategize or to create.


Because instead of calmly executing a plan, fear forces the body to prioritize escape or defense.

On the mental dimension, it becomes a silent killer of performance mainly because of its paralyzing effects- there’s no doubt: It limits your decision-making and your creativity.

Fear narrows your perspectives, preventing people from exploring options, innovating, or thinking outside the box. Simply because your cognitive resources are diverted from complex reasoning and problem-solving toward survival instincts.

And unfortunately, that escalate on the negative slope, because that leads to procrastination which undermine your productivity and progress and missed opportunities.

Simply put it, when your attention grappled with fear, it is easier to avoid than confront challenges. So, especially for example Fear of failure can result in procrastination or a reluctance to act because you want that perfect circumstance which is not obvious.

Now on the emotional dimension, the major negative impact is that constant

fear generates self-doubt, reduce resilience and motivation.

How so?

The constant worry and doubt associated with fear can drain your energy and long-term motivation, eventough in the short term it might create an illusion of movement.

Your inner voice critic becomes louder, and instead of focusing on the task, you start questioning your skills, which reduce motivation and the willingness to take risks.

All that leads to self-doubt, eroding confidence in one's abilities.

And that is closely connected to resilience, because in performance, setbacks are inevitable; But when fear dominates, it becomes harder to bounce back from failures. Fear makes challenges appear insurmountable, making it harder to learn from mistakes and persist through adversity.

Now, that we’ve discussed the high-level negative impact in the different dimensions, in the second part here, to make it practical and useful to you,

I want to point out the top major’s kind of fear that most people would face so that when you reflect you can easily identify them.

The first biggest fear is Fear of Death and Existential Fear,

Mainly because the fear of ceasing to exist and the concept of death is frightening because it appears to be the end of all connection and meaning. This fear intensifies the struggle for survival and security in an uncertain world. And it’s even more relevant in today’s context of transition- in the VUCA World (Volatile Uncertain Complex and Ambiguous) world.

Which leads us to the second biggest fear, Fear of the Unknown,

That fear is closely related to the first fear because what it is outside your understanding or beyond your immediate experience becomes a potential threat. This is where, when we become wary of others, cultures, or situations we don’t understand, perpetuating anxiety and suspicion.

And that fear of unknown is closely linked to the third fear which is Fear of lack.

And that is rooted in the deeper belief, and unconscious assumption that we are disconnected from the abundance of life and from each other, which leads to create the perception that there isn’t enough—enough love, resources, or success. We become fearful that we must compete and protect what little we have, rather than collaborate and share.

With that understanding, you can easily see that the fourth fear could be the Fear of Rejection and Abandonment.

Simply, because we worry about being rejected, abandoned, or not accepted by our community or social groups. The sense of isolation intensifies, leading to anxiety over social interactions, relationships, and self-worth.

And obviously, that leads us to the major fifth fear, or the fear of failure and judgment.  Because, when you believe that you stand alone, it makes failure seem personal and FINAL act, rather than part of a shared human experience of growth and learning. And in fact, if you asked yourself where public speaking is (in case you might have heard that it’s one of the most common shared fears, that would fall under this fear of failure and judgment category).

So, now that we have discussed the five top major fears that you can recognize in your daily activities, it will be relevant to move on to the third part of the root cause of fear. And this is where the realm of the Quantum Do, Where Spirit Drives Performance.

What I mean is that when you look at all the manifestations and different forms of fear we discussed, at the core, there is only one root cause for fear. In essence, energetically one THING and only one -it’s the illusion of separation.



What do I mean?

The illusion of separation is a belief that we are isolated and disconnected from others, the world, or even our inner selves. This perception of disconnection fuels fear in profound ways: let’s simply look at the five fears I described earlier, so you can see the underlying root cause-

  1. Fear of the Unknown-When we see ourselves as separate from others or the world, we create an "us vs. them" mindset.
  2. Fear of Lack-The illusion of separation fosters a scarcity mindset.
  3. Fear of Rejection and Abandonment-When we see ourselves as fundamentally separate from others, we develop a fear of not belonging.
  4. Fear of Failure and Judgment- Clearly Separation leads to a heightened sense of ego, where we feel our actions and worth are entirely on our shoulders.
  5. Fear of Death and Existential Fear-At a deeper level, the illusion of separation feeds existential fear

As you can see with these top five fears you can understand why perceived isolation can lead to feelings of vulnerability, uncertainty, and loneliness.

Which leads us to the last and fourth part, on Overcoming Fear for Peak Performance

How do you break free from fear's grip?

Awareness is the first step.

Understanding that fear is a natural part of life that is needed in some degree and scale but that it doesn't define who you are.

It’s important to see the impact in the different dimensions of human experience,

In the mental dimensions, as long we are physically safe, it’s important to note that the illusion of separation is a mental construct.

Particularly if you look at Fear in the spirit dimension being reflected in the emotional dimension through the three feelings of vulnerability, uncertainty, and loneliness.

Vulnerability: When we see ourselves as separate entities, we become vulnerable to external threats and internal insecurities. We fear loss, rejection, and pain, as these experiences can threaten our sense of self.  

Uncertainty: Separation creates a sense of uncertainty about the future. We worry about what might happen to us, and the unknown can be a breeding ground for fear.

Loneliness: Feeling disconnected from others can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. But we are social creatures, so loneliness can be particularly stressful for us as human’s social beings.

Now as you can see, I can talk about this some more, but I don’t have time to go into the different strategies and techniques here, especially since I have an online course Radiant Soul for people that want to learn further. Regardless, I hope you can see now that ultimately since you understand the root cause of fear, the ultimate solution to overcome fear would be to understand and equipping yourself on how Overcoming the illusion of separation!

Yes, the Illusion of separation!


Because when we realize that we are part of a larger whole—whether that be society, nature, or the universe—fear begins to dissipate. Recognizing our interconnectedness fosters compassion, trust, and a sense of abundance. Instead of fear, we cultivate empathy, belonging, and resilience.

 And I invite you to see that this is not woo- woo or utopic since we demonstrated together that Recognizing this interconnectedness can help to alleviate fear and promote a sense of peace and well-being, which means learn to develop embracing a sense of connection and oneness with the world and others.

Here’s the fact, all major techniques and, tools about overcoming fear have their roots in overcoming these fundamentals I described whether it be sport psychology, sport performance, therapist, visualization, and reframing failure as a learning experience and so one or so forth.

Now, I can talk about this some more but want to respect your time and if you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our brand-new community, performance edge wisdom community. Performance Edge Wisdom Community-

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And, if you have any issue, you want me to talk about, you can submit them in the comments or request a specific video on www.Thequantumdo.Com/video, or if you want it to be confidential and you need the NDA please send an email to [email protected].

So, what are your thoughts?

Just remember, courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act in spite of it.

By recognizing the impact of fear and implementing effective strategies, you can overcome your anxieties and achieve your goals because you understand The Power of Connection and Oneness.

If this served you today, please share, subscribe, Share your experiences in the comments below!

and do not forget,

“Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Till next time

Live your truth,

Coach Soul -Out