The Quantum Do

Performance Edge WeeklyĀ  Wisdom

Stuck in a Rut? End the Cycle Now

applied spirit Oct 08, 2024

Do you know anyone stuck in limbo that want to break free and end the cycle?

The reality is that nobody can act beyond the level of awareness and consciousness.

Today We'll be talking about escaping the loop of being stuck in a rut and how to break free from a performance slump.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where despite changing environments, despite meeting new people or stepping into different circumstances, you are still feeling the same emotional burden, wondering how much longer can I endure this? If you are experiencing this internal conflict, it's time to break free from this cycle and embrace a solution that leads to genuine lasting change.

So yes, if you ever caught yourself thinking, how much longer am I going to be stuck in the same place despite changing my environment, despite changing my relationships, even changing my strategies, I just want you to know you're not alone. The truth is it's not about the external changes. It's about the internal shifts that create real lasting breakthroughs.

The same pattern keeps showing up because you haven't unlocked the key to real transformation yet. But once you do everything changes! So today, in the first part will be establishing why nobody can act beyond their level of awareness or consciousness. And second, I'll share with you why being in a rut is a wakeup call for personal growth and is a cry out of your spirit in need of alignment.

And third, I will share with you how to break free from the endless loop, which will give you a new awareness that will equip you to perform at higher levels. And you don't want to miss this because I'm going to share from a total new paradigm because these are some of the secret pillars of a quantum do as you know, it is the way of energy!

Ready? Let's jump in. So, what does it mean first that nobody can act beyond their level of awareness or consciousness? Simply let's put it this way. It means that your thoughts, your decisions, your behaviors, your emotions are limited to your current state of awareness, to your current state of understanding and to your current state of personal development.

In other words, people can only act in ways that align with the current belief that align with the current knowledge and that align with the emotional maturity. Yes, you may not be aware of certain truth, you may not be aware of certain perspectives or deeper reality and your actions will reflect this limited understanding in a way your world view is shaped by your current level of consciousness.

For example, if someone has not experienced or process certain emotional or psychological states, you might not be able to act in a way that someone with greater self-awareness and wisdom would be. And this could manifest in a reaction like defensiveness, fear when you are faced with situations that challenge your current mindset.

Basically, the limitation in experiences and understanding of self-constrain the awareness of perception, which is basically the root cause of repeating old patterns and making choices based on outdated thinking that need to be outgrown. And that leads me to the second point because that repetitive loop is a sign that you have reached a point where you could understand that no human being can act beyond their conditioning in the absence of awareness.

That means it's a wakeup call for growth and learning. Why?

Let's simply put it this way, your current consciousness level could have resolved it or you will not be in a rut. So, what that means is as people grow, learn and evolve, their level of consciousness and awareness expand with it as well.

So, this is where I suggest you start paying attention right now because we are entering the quantum do coaching realm. Because what do I mean, it's time to understand how human operates with a new paradigm and lens that I'm going to share right now because the reason people are being trapped in repetitive unfulfilling routines.

It is because people are utilizing only a partial capacity of the most precious gift that the human species have been endowed with. And anointed by, and that human superpower gift is a gift of attention. As a reminder, our closest human ancestor from 200,000 years ago as a species is the homo sapiens sapiens or what I call the homo double sapiens what I mean is that you can think about what you are thinking about right now; because "sapiens" comes from Latin and it stands for "to know. "

So "sapiens sapiens" means that the human has a double knowing or it could be said, "i know that I know ",it is basically the ability to exercise your attention at two levels. The first level is really tied up like most primitive animal would be, it's being associated with the event, the conditioning we are facing, we are fully acting or reacting in a reaction of a moment, which is when we are fully consumed in that state.

And that's where we fight, we fly or we freeze like a deer or a lion or a turtle will do. And the second level is the ability to pause, like I'm doing right now and to think about what you are thinking about just a minute ago. And basically, it's a gift to be "response" - - " able"

A gift of being " responsible," which is the ability to be responsible as we've all heard with great powers come great responsibility. Now, here is the biggest secret you need to be aware of because of that consciousness. Because when you are associated with an authentic desire, there's alignment and you get into a flow, when you don't get what you don't want, it means there is a misalignment between your authentic desires and your performance and your results and your reality.

And that misalignment is rooted because of illusion in the mental dimension. And here starts the pain in the emotional dimension and you don't want to linger there. But that is a challenge and it's also the opportunity that present itself because of the way we human, we homo sapiens sapiens are being trained to get our attention twice, meaning your attention is trapped into two places because we adopt by default, two different stances.

And those two lenses are inherent to the homo sapiens sapiens. In a concrete way. Human beings in our daily lives are oscillating at any moment between being associated with the events and the conditions of a moment when they zoom in or they are being disassociated when they are able to zoom out by becoming the "judge" of what they should be doing or should have been doing since they are able to observe themselves.

So, in a way, your attention reveals what you are attached to because where your attention goes, your experience follows that is you being associated with the experience you don't want. So, the work if you can see it now and the challenge becomes to not be stuck there because when your attention gets locked into what you don't want bingo!

So, here is a challenge because that's when the judge kicks in, because you have the ability to think about what you are thinking about, as a homo sapiens sapiens. So, your disassociation with the event is locked into self-judgment in a way. The deeper challenge is that as you try to break free from what you don't want, your attention goes back into what you shouldn't be.

And inherently the self-judgment of who you have been. What do I mean concretely? Your attention is trapped into those two places and in those two places, your attention is caught in a cyclic loop of a judge of what you don't want or the actual experience of what you don't want. And it's right there.

It's that illusion of the same self in your mind because when you judge, you are not present to the content that you are experiencing, but rather you are present to yourself that you wish you were not. So, you become stuck in the want, don't want loop and your experience become unwanted repetitive, cyclic. That's where the rut comes in.

So, this is where you need one thing, one thing, self-honesty, yes, self-honesty. Are you tired of feeling trapped in the same cycle? No matter how many faces or fresh opportunity come your way? If you ever find yourself asking, how much longer am I going to be stuck in this emotional rut, facing the same challenges over and over and over again.

That's self-honesty. But here is the good news. You are not alone because the truth is, it's not about the external changes. It's about the internal shifts that create real lasting breakthroughs! And that lead us to a third point, which is it's time to break free from this cycle and embrace solutions that lead to genuine lasting changes.

So, if you have propensity for action, here's what you need to know which I'm excited about. We have entered a new era. It's the era of the homo sapiens sapiens sapiens "sapiens" three times or the homo triple sapiens and not a lot of people know about it, but you can feel it because what what cannot be denied is that we are all experiencing the fact that humanity is at a crossroads in this "vuca"world (volatile uncertain complex and ambiguous).

So, in this "vuca" world, the homo triple sapiens has a third knowing and claim "i know more than I know that I know" " I know more than I know that I know! " that third knowing allows you to leverage your attention with the third vantage point of integration that goes beyond the binary of want and don't want from the homo sapiens sapiens and that anchor guide you to understand that your experience allow you to identify what is missing.

And that what you need is not necessarily what you want. So, you can see that your attention is trapped in those places when you experience what you don't want. And unless you can discern the illusion nested in the want/and don't want, the negative patterns grow stronger and become a crisis.

It can become a health crisis, can become a financial crisis, can become a relationship crisis. But that's where the alignment works comes in as a homo triple sapiens. And the alignment consist to bust through the illusion which allows you to integrate the "judge" and the "offender" because it's the same you! And that unification creates an awareness and foster your alignment, and alignment allows you to see what your authentic desire was in the first place.

And from that alignment, you become liberated from the attachment, and you get into optimal flow, happiness, joy because you have identified that which you wanted to experience and to know more of in the first place. And that's where growth lies because you have been able to integrate and to access that higher consciousness.

And that allow you to raise your awareness and that allow you to hop on to the next adventure. And now I can talk about this some more, but I want to respect your time. And if you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our brand-new community, performance edge wisdom community!

The link is right there, and you can get all your questions answers, and you can get specific. The link is below, and you will get access to more tips and the relevant answer to your real question. And if you have any issue, you want me to talk about, you can submit them in the comment or request a specific video on www. Thequantum do. Com/video.

Or if you want this to be confidential and you need non-disclosure agreement, please send an email to support@thequantumdo. Com so now before I leave you, what are your thoughts? Are you ready to break free from your limbo? Are you ready to break free and end the cycle? I believe in you.

Let's do this. You can do it. If this served you today, please share, please subscribe and comment and share your experience below and do not forget. Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence. Until next time, live your true!