The Quantum Do

Performance Edge WeeklyĀ  Wisdom

Progress Vs. Perfection

applied spirit Aug 09, 2024

We live in a world that often glorifies perfection.

Most of the time people confused being your best with perfection.

Especially nowadays with social media the flawless image, the perfect body, the ideal life.

The reality is that being perfected is an active process that is wrapped up into progress.

Perfection itself is an ideal that is not attainable in the physical realm.

Today’ we will be talking about progress versus perfection.

First, I want to address the two major differences between progress and perfection,

Second, the mental hijack that perfection can play on you if you are not careful.

Third, how you can leverage the true meaning behind the active process of being perfected.

Let us dive, in

Perfection is seen most of the time as a finish line, and an idea of how things should be.

Especially nowadays, we see it in ads, movies, and social media. the perfect body, the ideal life. We see the medal gold or the business win and that is what we celebrate.

The fallacy is that the finish line is what is being glorified- It is like a pressure cooker that leads to stress, anxiety, and even burnout.

The real question is? Is this projection or is this really what we should strive for? Or is there something more valuable to be found in the journey?

This is why it is important to understand that progress is about improvement and movement toward the goal. It is about taking steps, no matter how small, towards the goals. It is about celebrating the wins along the way, learning from mistakes, and growing as an individual.

That leads us to the second point I wanted to make about the double edge about chasing perfection.

Perfection can hijack our mental performance and self-esteem. How?

It is the difference between understanding that perfection as a noun and a goal is a trap that leads to a self-esteem gap.


Because you have an image of perfection that has been created for you by social conformity that you have adopted, or self-projection and it is an ideal that you set yourself to pursue. If you are not careful, you might trap yourself into a self esteem issue, because for example your standard of beauty might not necessarily fit your body type. And you will feel inadequate because the perfect model of beauty you have adopted as your standard.

While on the opposite if you understand that being perfected is an active process toward things you can improve on, you will be able to take charge of the quality of your life.

This is where you need to stop and ask yourself, am I using the noun perfection, or the verb being perfected which means progress?

Watch yourself because you can hijack yourself to a low self esteem by pursing perfection instead pursing progress, because you understand the difference between being perfected and perfection (which is an image that is driven by the 3 drivers of your experience-social conformity, self-projection or resources)- if you want to know more about the three drivers of your experience ,feel free to look at my prior videos a year ago.

Now I want to talk about the third part which is my favorite, the spirit performance element of understanding the difference between progress Vs perfection.

The act of pursing perfection is inherently you trying to express your divine creator gifts,

If you look at nature it is always working to perfect itself, which in itself is nature seeking balance and harmony.

The key here is to understand that it is a ceaseless principle because creative energy is perpetual, and it is not static. Which means perfection cannot be static and in fact when you look at harmonious systems they are always evolving. That is why the same goes for our lives. We will not always be perfect. We will make mistakes, face challenges, and experience setbacks. But that is okay. It is part of the human experience. What matters is that we keep moving forward, learning, and growing.

So, let us shift our focus from perfection to progress. Let us celebrate our small wins, learn from our mistakes, and embrace the journey. Remember, it is not about being perfect; it is about becoming better.

And I would love to talk about this some more but would love to respect your time and

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“Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Till next time

Live your truth,

Coach Soul -Out