The Quantum Do

Performance Edge WeeklyĀ  Wisdom

How To Leverage Your Moments of Power

applied spirit Jul 23, 2024

Every day offers us moments of power. These are the opportunities that can transform your life if you can seize them. I called those 'The Leveraging Moment of Power.'

These are the moments when you can take control and steer your destiny in a desired direction. Because of a deliberate decision you made consciously.

The key is to be aware of the moments that can make a difference.

Today, we will be talking about “Your Leveraging Moment of Power.”

First, we will discuss about identifying those powerful moments,

Second, I will share two scenarios when people are not able to leverage these decisive moments,

Third, I will share how to use the mental and emotional levers in order to take advantage of these powerful moments,

 And fourth, I will explain from the spirit performance vantage point why these moments are crucial for your development and growth and high performance.


The first step is identifying your moments of power. These moments often come disguised as everyday situations. It could be a decision at work, a conversation with a loved one, or a chance to step out of your comfort zone.

Most importantly, it is a moment of decision. These instances, however small they may seem, are opportunities to change your destiny.

How is it so?

Simply, if you put it this way first,

What you think and what you feel define your state. We all know for example that the decisions you take when you are joyful are different when you are depressed or sad. And this might be obvious for me to say but I want to bring to the point that.

The decision you take leads you in a certain direction, and if that that direction is not changed, that direction leads you to a destination, which ultimately becomes your destiny.

In a more specific manner, if you keep thinking the same thoughts and having the same feeling, you will be acting from the same personality to create your reality. That can be as simple as eating the same breakfast (not because you do not have other choices but simply because you are remaining unconscious in being deliberate in your moment of choices). Those choices that seems very minor can compound in the long term into a great health routine or the opposite if it is not analyzed deliberately.

That is why I cannot emphasize enough how vital are your moment of decisions!

Now let us zoom into those moments of decision.

That is lead us into the second point, which is about those moments of decision-

Here are the facts for the most part, most people are making decisions from two vantage points that are usually two extreme spectrums in term of state.

The first state from which people make decisions is from the victim vantage point or limiting belief angle. That perspective is looking at external events as if you were a victim, and things are happening to you! In that state your default reaction is anchored into flight or freeze because you are seeing yourself in an existential crisis for survival.

In that mode, I hope you can realize with me that the decision you make will Not be optimal for you especially if you are not in a life-or-death circumstance.

The second mode from which people make decisions is the other extreme, which is more from the rage, conqueror, warrior vantage point- which leads to making decisions that are anchored into a fight, or defiant stance.  Where like a lion looking to capture its prey, the decisions are isolated and very egocentric!

These are the two modes default or state where most people Most of the time make their decisions, which is very polarizing, and it is not people fault because they have been trained to recognize the leveraging moment of power.

And this leads to the third part in this video-Diving into spirit performance – here is what a lot of people do not know yet- it is that we have entered a new era- the era of the homo triple sapiens-

It is the new era where the human species are learning to tap into the third knowing-The homo triple sapiens is able to claim-I know more than I know that I know.

As a reminder, our current species is descendant of the homo double sapiens (homo sapiens sapiens) that date from 150,000years to 200,000 years ago, and with that gift we have double awareness and knowing because -you can think about what you were thinking about-

“You have a knowing about your knowing.”

So fast forward, where does the homo triple sapiens get his third knowing from?

Quantum Do – The way of Energy- matter or an atom is 99% nothing and .0001 physical substances. Why does that matter?

It’s basically the acknowledgement that the spectrum of light that we can experience with our senses is a tiny fraction band frequency among the largest electromagnetic field that exist.

Simple facts – is that different animals can perceive infrared information that we human cannot perceive- Some animals can sense the earth electromagnetic field way before we sense earthquakes.

What I am trying to say is that-In a way we see things as we are! and not necessary as the way things are. Quantum physics has demonstrated that.

That is where the third knowing comes-It is not about relying only on your senses but also its knowing based on your awareness.

This is why it matters, because from that understanding the homo triple sapiens has an elevated third consciousness, and is not bound to victim or conqueror state, but the homo triple sapiens is coming from a third state- which is a state of curiosity, or wizard like

The moment of decisions are approached from an elevated awareness- which is more-

What is this moment trying to teach me?

How is this moment leading me to my next stage of evolution?

From that vantage point, this decision moment can be leveraged! From that understanding, it become a leveraging power of moment to your spiritual growth to your performance and !

Mainly because you understand that you are not separated from the events, you are standing beyond the victim or conqueror state because all those two spectra implies that you are separated from what is happening!

While the homo triple sapiens sees the decision moment as an opportunity of knowing and experiencing your higher divine self. That is the exciting part! It is an exploration of knowing more of your divine self!

If you want to know more and you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our brand-new community, performance edge wisdom community. Performance Edge Wisdom Community-

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And, if you have any issue, you want me to talk about, you can submit them in the comments or request a specific video on www.Thequantumdo.Com/video, or if you want it to be confidential and you need the NDA please send an email to [email protected].

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“Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Till next time

Live your truth,

Coach Soul