The Quantum Do

Performance Edge Weekly  Wisdom

How to Successfully Navigate Change in 3 Steps.

applied spirit May 21, 2024

Change can be scary, disheartening, discouraging but with the right approach, you can turn it into an opportunity. Today we are diving into a topic that is crucial for personal and professional growth: How to Successfully Navigate Change in 3 Steps.

Let us face it, when change or transformation goes our way, or the way we intend or expect it, there is no fear associated with it and for the most part it’s progress and we get even happiness, but the real challenge happens when we face changes differently than what we had anticipated!

So, I am going to share with you today three important levels about the anatomy of change that will equip you to understand change and most importantly to successfully navigate it with more precise powers moving forward.

In the first part, I will quickly share with you the natural response that signals to you that it is time to brace yourself for change which like a red-light road sign if you learn to pay attention to it more often will make the rest of the process easier,

Second step is a powerful word that will free you and open the world of bigger opportunities-acceptance,

The third step is the work of alignment which takes you to the new heights that your spirit had been wanting and longing for.

Ready, let us jump in.


In this first part, it is important to point out the natural response that occurs as the anatomy of change.

The reason most of the time change gets scary it is because of the unknown, specifically,

I want to zoom in on what I am going to share right now.

There is an event, person external that disrupt what you know.

And here what you know is simply an “image,” or an expectation of what you had imagined to be the norm, the standard; what you know is an image of how you saw yourself or how you had imagined things would be-

So, fear arises because the reality manifested and experienced does not match with the image you have had- that is what causes stress. I really hope you can zoom into this.

It is an upheld image in contradiction not matching the reality- So it is from that conflict where survival is born from because the identity you hold from the image wants to preserve itself. So, your unconscious is not recognizing what it had already conceived and wants to cling to that old image. In that way now like a road sign when you feel a knew jerk reaction of reaction, and resistance, you need to stop for a second and realize that you are on your way to change- most importantly it is a yellow sign for spiritual growth! I do not have time to discuss all the aspects of that spiritual growth but what is important to understand is that,

Resistance is part of growth, and it is natural built into growth!

We have all heard of the version of the idea The Chinese term "Wei Ji" (危机) is often discussed in the context of crisis and opportunity. The term is composed of two characters: 危 (wēi), which means danger or crisis, and 机 (jī), which means opportunity or crucial point.

The simple example that I like to quote is that “problems are for the spirit what weight dumbbell are for your biceps.” In other words, without resistance there is no growth. You can see it at many levels, the coconut tree need the wind to blow it, so it can strengthen its roots in the ground and grow taller and stronger.

Now this is a major step to be aware of because that leads us to the second step.

Unfortunately, a lot of people get stuck in step one or spend too much time in this reaction and resistance step.

I want to emphasize that because like anything in nature, there is a need for balance. You cannot hold the dumbbell for ever or your muscle will break.

The stage of resistance cannot be perpetual, which is why the second stage to be cognizant is acceptance- why?

Because you understand that change is inevitable, and that it is your resistance to it that often causes stress. The first step is to acknowledge the change and understand that it is a part of life. Instead of focusing on what is lost, think about what can be gained. This mental shift sets the foundation for handling change effectively."

Right there, that is your leverage point- that is the fulcrum.

Take a deep breath and remind yourself that change brings new opportunities. Write down your feelings to process them better and focus on the potential positives."

That step will lead you, Adaptation. Once you have accepted the change, it is time to adapt. This involves being flexible and open to learning new things. Embrace the new reality.

In concrete terms-It could mean acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge. This might mean taking a course, seeking advice from others, or simply practicing patience as you get accustomed to new routines."

Adapting could take time. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way. Every step forward is progress."

With that it will lead to third step, Alignment-

This is my favorite part because it is the bridge between adapting and action.

With acceptance and adaptation in place, it is time to take proactive steps. Set clear, achievable goals and plan to reach them. Take consistent, small actions towards your goals. This not only helps you navigate the change but also empowers you to take control of your future."

Alignment is optimized when you adhere to the knowing that your path to growth is in service to something bigger than yourself.

And how do you know that – because everything in nature serve a purpose or it ceases to exist.

This is why I passionately share in my previous videos that the masters of this world all had understood how to tap into the third knowing that the homo triple sapiens had learned to master.

That third knowing that stands for -I know more that I know that I know.

That is what differentiates the masters of this world from people that struggle over and over and over.

And I would like to add more on this, but you can watch the earlier video where I talked about the homo triple sapiens superpower.

To recap, navigating change successfully involves three key steps:

Resistance, you will get a natural Reaction because of the image you hold not matching the reality experienced.

Acceptance, Adaptation, Accept the change, adapt by learning and being flexible.

Alignment and Action, and yes you need to take consistent action towards your goals.

And that’s the anatomy of change, so by following these steps, you can turn any change into a steppingstone for growth."

I hope it serves you today and that you can use those performance wisdom nuggets and if you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our exclusive Performance Edge Wisdom Community- And the link is below, and you will get access to more tips and relevant answers to your real problems.

or if you have any specific issue, you want me to talk about, you can submit them in the comments or request a specific video on www. Thequantumdo. Com/video, or if you want it to be confidential and you need the NDA please send an email to [email protected].

Do not forget, “Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Till next time. Live Your Truth.

Coach Soul Out.

And the link is below, and you will get access to more tips and relevant answers to your real problems.

And, if you have any issue, you want me to talk about, you can submit them in the comments or request a specific video on www. Thequantumdo. Com/video, or if you want it to be confidential and you need the NDA please send an email to [email protected].

Do not forget, “Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Till next time. Live Your Truth.

Coach Soul Out.

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