The Quantum Do

Performance Edge Weekly  Wisdom

How Pleasure and Pain are connected?

applied spirit Aug 13, 2024

Everybody wants to go to paradise, but nobody wants to die.

The human tendency to seek pleasure while avoiding pain or discomfort is a natural instinct that’s kept humans safe and comfortable throughout history. But here’s the catch—this instinct can sometimes hold us back."

The secret is to understand that pleasure and pain often go hand-in-hand and are often intertwined."

Today, we’ll be talking about the Interconnectedness of Pleasure and Pain, a constant balancing act that when well understood allows you to maximize your performance.

First, we’ll see how pleasure and pain are two sides of the same coin,

Second, we’ll take it to the higher level of spirit performance coaching and see why this duality is necessary for the evolution of humankind,

Let’s dive in,

First of all, pain, and pleasure seemingly opposite are inherently enhancing and defining each other. They are interconnected and interdependent. Without the experience of pain, pleasure would lose its intensity.

The brain is hardwired to prioritize immediate comfort over long-term gain. This is why we often procrastinate, avoid challenges, or choose the path of least resistance. We want the rewards, the 'paradise,' but not the struggle that comes with it."

But here’s the key, the ambivalence of pleasure and pain allows us to maximize our human experience.

Think about it: you have to put in the effort at the gym to feel the satisfaction of a great workout, or you might experience the anxiety of a big presentation before reaping the rewards of a successful pitch.

The very discomfort you try to avoid is often the key to our growth and success. Think about it—whether it’s hitting the gym, tackling a tough project, or facing fears, these challenges often lead to the greatest rewards."

The key is finding balance. It's about understanding that some discomfort is necessary for growth and that pleasure isn't always the ultimate goal.

Now, I want to talk about the spirit performance side of the pleasure and pain which is my favorite; The duality is necessary for the evolution of humankind.

What do I mean?

Basically, pain is a signal that we need to pay attention.

With pain we have to summon our full attention to the moment, to the event and to the people where we see the pain coming from.

And most importantly, if you think about it,

There’s no new creation without pain- and if you think about to get a new form, we have to outgrow the old form-

Giving birth is preceded by pain, but it ends with joy when the baby is born.

So, this is why it’s important to understand that when we experience, there’s an inherent need for transformation that is behind. Because pain calls for the need of our full attention so that we can create the next form for evolution.

The snake has to shed its old skin to get that new skin,

We have to have wight resistance in order to grow muscle. That it is inherently built into our evolution.

 And yes, please remember, life is a journey filled with ups and downs. By embracing both pleasure and pain, we can build resilience, learn from our experiences, and ultimately find greater fulfillment. Growth begins at the end of your comfort zone.

I want to keep this short today.

And I would love to talk about this some more but would love to respect your time and

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So, what are your thoughts? Do you agree that pleasure and pain are intertwined? Share your experiences in the comments below! And don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell for more thought-provoking content.

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“Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Till next time

Live your truth,

Coach Soul -Out