The Quantum Do

Performance Edge WeeklyĀ  Wisdom

Frustration Can Be a Fertilizer.

applied spirit Jun 25, 2024

What happen when things do go according to plan? Or when you hit a roadblock?

Yes-If you said frustrated, you guess it right!

What if I tell you that it could actually be a powerful tool for growth?

Today we are talking about something we all experience – Frustration.

Frustration is not just a negative emotion, in fact it is a sign that you believe deep within that things can be better, that there’s potential yet manifested.

Our knee jerk reaction is to see something unwanted that needs to be pulled out. But frustration can actually be like fertilizer. It provides the necessary nutrients for growth.

We will see here today in three steps how you can use frustration as a steppingstone for progress.

In the first part, we will see how Frustration is a signal rather than a just mere negative emotion to put in the shelves, second, we will l see how frustration can be used to fuel your determination and third we will conclude on how frustration helps you build resilience.

Let us dig in…

In the first part, the reason that frustration can be your fertilizer. It tells you there is a gap between current results and your desired anticipated results.

  • So, you need to identify the gaps: Something is not working. It highlights a gap between where you are and where you want to be. This awareness is crucial for improvement.

For example, as an athlete or athletic coach you had working and practicing a drill for few weeks and during the game, you were not able to perform at par as you practiced or

As a project leader, you were expected your team to deliver the project on time and it did not happen according to your expectations or

Maybe you are learning a new skill, like playing the guitar. After days of practice, your fingers still do not have the dexterity you need. You might feel frustrated, ready to throw the guitar across the room. But the frustration tells you there is a gap between your current skill level and your desired level.

So, examine your expectations- was it realistic? Was it a BHAG?

Do you need to adjust it? And if it was realistic expectations, where does the short come from?

Is it skill related? Is it process related? Is it procedure related?

That leads us to the second part on how Frustration fuels determination.

As you identify the gaps, especially by knowing that the expectation is reasonable. Now you need to look at the skill, the approach.

So, the feeling of annoyance can light a fire under you.

It pushes you to find solutions and try new things.

It can be the spark that ignites your creativity and problem-solving skills.

Channel that frustration. Use it to find solutions, brainstorm new ideas, or practice your skills.

Find a new learning method, or approach, break down the skills into smaller, more achievable steps, can you get guidance from a mentor teacher.

Which lead us to the next part on how Frustration helps you build resilience: Overcoming challenges makes you stronger. When you navigate frustration and achieve success despite it, you build resilience – the ability to bounce back from setbacks.

And this part is important, because after you have determined that the expectations are reasonable, you have gotten yourself a mentor, a sponsor.

In this part you can step into the spirit performance coaching aspect, it is because you are going beyond what you know- deep within you know that you are more than your current circumstance are showing-

Here is the lever and fulcrum- the performance edge wisdom nugget- you being curious and asking yourself the question- What can I learn from it? What is causing this frustration?

By doing that you are elevating your identity and awareness of your personal identity that will allow you to outperform the current hurdle.

In that you are opening yourself to the next better version of yourself.

Remember, frustration is a natural part of the growth process. Do not let it discourage you. Embrace it, learn from it, and use it to fuel your journey to success.

As we saw in quick summary in three steps you can use frustration as fertilizer by following these three steps.

identify the gaps, raise your determination level, and elevate your consciousness by being curious.

So, the next time you feel frustrated, do not just shut it down or let that emotion ruin your day. With deeper insights and hard work and a little help from frustration-as-fertilizer, you will eventually get to master that guitar you wanted to learn.

Okay, I want to make sure this is succinct and if you want to know more and you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our brand-new community, performance edge wisdom community. Performance Edge Wisdom Community-

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And, if you have any issue, you want me to talk about, you can submit them in the comments or request a specific video on www. Thequantumdo. Com/video, or if you want it to be confidential and you need the NDA please send an email to [email protected].

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Do not forget, “Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”