The Quantum Do

Performance Edge Weekly  Wisdom

Finding Clarity

applied spirit clarity Oct 17, 2024

Clarity is power but Clarity doesn’t always come right away.

So, How do you find clarity when you are at a crossroads or when you are confused.

Today we’ll be talking about finding clarity when you are at a crossroads.

Finding clarity can feel challenging at times, but it’s one of the most powerful elements that allows you to amplify your performance and impact.

First, we’ll be looking at the anchors and elements that are important to find clarity,

second, we’ll explore when there’s confusion or when you are at a crossroads how to gain clarity and finally third, we’ll explore from the spirit performance coaching vantage point how to build more clarity when you are lost or confused.

So, what are the anchors and elements that are important to finding clarity.

Clarity is power that helps reach high performance or any success possible mainly because clarity acts as a foundation that guides your actions, your decisions, and efforts toward a meaningful goal.

Without a doubt, clarity leads to sharp vision which leads to focus, better decision making and less overwhelming or anxiety.

The major key components are to know your outcome, know what you want and most importantly why you want it!

That WHY is your purpose that will drive you to take action at critical moments.

In order to do that, the quickest way is to look at your own anchors-

Meaning What matters to you most, what do you values, why this outcome is aligned with your values!

Be intentional! This is just not pep talk, and I want to talk about the science behind this- why clarity is power, simply because when you have clarity your brain will help you to pay attention to the elements of achieving the goals, and results toward the outcome wanted.

In neuroscience, there is the part of our brain called the reticular activating system or RAS that tells your brain what to pay attention to.

When you purchase a new car, for example, there are more cars similar to yours that you start seeing on the road; they don’t just appear all of the sudden, it’s just that you are able to pay more attention to it.

It’s simply because of the excessive volume of data we need to process information every day; in order to survive as a quantum computer Our brain does 3 things- It DELETE< DISTORT and GENERALIZE. So, in a way it creates a filter- which makes us prone to ILLUSIONS (good ones or bad ones), regardless that is what is at the basis emotional misalignment of being in DENIAL, AVOIDING/ESCAPE or Trying to BURY your true emotions.

Now, in case you might be thinking but I don’t know the outcome I want, and that leads to the second part because sometimes it’s difficult to know what you want.

So, what do you do then?

Before we jump into a solution it’s important to understand that lack of clarity and confusion is coming from an inner conflict.

To resolve this challenge, you want to start from where you are- meaning it’s easier to know what you don’t want, what it is that you can no longer tolerate.

Why is it easier because it’s based on your reality and your experience!

You are putting a line in the sand by bringing it to your consciousness, you are making it a standard and a must have.

Simply ask yourself these two or three critical questions.

  • What exactly am I confused about?
  • Is this confusion based on facts, assumptions, or emotions?
  • What outcome am I hoping for?

In those questions you will be able to unearth some facts (through journaling, mind mapping etc.…), but here’s what’s relevant eventough I don’t have the whole time to go over it here. The fundamental pillars to understand is that three main drivers drive your daily experience.

Which are-Social conformity, Self-Projection, and Resources.

Social conformity you can think of it as an unseen pressure or unspoken rules that are imposed on people by accepted societal norms -As you can imagine with social media and the 24 hours news cycle that conformity is elevated to critical levels.

And for Self-projection, it reflects the doubts, insecurities and the fear that are inherited through our personalities and our weaknesses.

Finally, Resources are important especially if there is a perception of scarcity (will I have enough money, time, or energy to survive or satisfy my needs and wants).

So, these three drivers are at the basis of the formation of your illusions and filters particularly when the brain delete, distort or generalize. I have some prior videos that go into detail about these three drivers of your experience.

So, when you are confused, or lost and looking for clarity I recommend starting with your reality: What it is that you no longer can tolerate; what it is that you are moving away from and why is it a non-negotiable for you to change this condition and yes make sure to connect to that purpose.

Now in case you still are not getting the clarity you need, that leads us to part three as we are digging deeper into the spirit performance realm.

This is the new paradigm shift view point you need to look at.

I don’t have the whole time to explain about the quantum do and You can find out more about it that by watching my video about the quantum do. The quantum do is a spirit elevation platform system that equips people to move from being rigid, stuck, self-absorbed, doubtful, frustrated or overwhelmed to being effectively in a flow, confident ease state of optimal performance.

With that new understanding that leads us to the most fundamental that the quantum do teaches that was at the foundation in ancient Egypt- it’s this paradigm and the adherence to the fact that beyond the current model of mind and subconscious mind, that human experience themselves in five dimensions

Death Dimension, Spirit-Principles dimension, Emotional Dimension, Mental Dimension, and the Physical Dimension

The key pillar to understand is that We are going in/out of these dimensions At ALL times - what differ is our attention which is the common denominator.

Now why is this relevant?

Simply, since we are dealing with the physical dimension with our five senses, it’s easier to think about something, someone, you want or don’t want– That would be the what or the having- (manifestation in the physical dimension which could a new relationship, a new car, a new career, a new trophy etc.…),

We need to reverse engineering from this, why?

Because action generate results- So the next set of questions would be

What do I need to do in order to obtain the results of the new career I want; what actions are needed in order to achieve the desired outcomes?

In asking these next layers of questions you are creating a bridge between the physical dimensions and the emotional and mental dimension why?

Because in order to take certain actions you need to have certain beliefs and be motivated! By reverse engineering you will be able to identify the illusion and limiting beliefs and disempowering emotions that have been holding you!

Which leads us to the spirit dimension as you would be able to see who you need to become in the spirit dimension!

You are going all the way to the source-

Who do you need to become in order to be able to take specific actions so that you can get the desired results!

Here lies your alignment and the beginning of clarity. You are becoming congruent then- From Being to Doing and Having here you are aligned for optimal performance results and success.

In a practical manner. Take some quiet time to connect with your highest self, because your heart has all the answers and know who you truly want to become.

And ask yourself this magical question for days-

What is the most congruent next step of action for my highest self?

And you will find clarity because your brain wave will be vibrating in coherence with frequencies that are resonating in the electromagnetic field where the data exist to your question.

Now most importantly, clarity isn’t always about finding the perfect answer—it’s about finding enough focus and understanding to move forward with confidence.

Certainly, I can talk about this some more but want to respect your time and if you want to continue this conversation with me, please sign up to our brand-new community, performance edge wisdom community. Performance Edge Wisdom Community-

And the link is below, and you will get access to more tips and relevant answers to your real problems.

And, if you have any issue you want me to talk about, you can submit them in the comments or request a specific video on, or if you want it to be confidential and you need the NDA please send an email to [email protected].

So, before I leave you today what are your thoughts?

I hope these three steps are helpful for you to find more clarity and here’s what you need to remember, a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step,

meaning sometimes clarity comes through action. Taking small steps, even without perfect understanding, will give you feedback. From that feedback, you adjust and gain more insight.

If this served you today, subscribe, share your experiences in the comments below and share with your friends! and do not forget,

“Failure is a necessary prerequisite to human excellence.”

Till next time

Live your  Truth