The Quantum Do


" Failure is a necessary prerequisite for Excellence."
My Spirit programs

I'm Souleymane Ongoiba

Founder of the Quantum Do™/ Performance Optimizer

I was born in Mali, a country with an ancient and rich history in western Africa. I'm a son of the Dogon People and I moved in the USA to pursue my higher education in Engineering.

I'm a father of 3 wonderful children and I have called Silicon Valley my home for over 20 years now. I hold a scientific degrees in Electrical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and numerous  Business certifications and continued Education from top Universities.

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My experiences across 4 continents have opened my awareness to the underlying reality of the world we live in.

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Being a son, a father, a brother, a nephew, a brother-in-law, an uncle has made me realized the true meaning of "I".

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After pursuing and achieving the corporate dream, I came to the conclusion that there is so much more to life than social constructs

My Journey

I believe the energy in you yearning to claim your authentic power !

You are here to share your unique gifts with the world !

In this new era of the homo triple sapiens The question is no longer whether you have something to contribute to this world but rather when will you step up and answer the call!

Share your story
- Mali, Africa
- Brooklyn, N.Y
- Silicon Valley, CA

My convictions

To manifest Your Greatness you need to embrace that Failure is an integral necessity part of excellence and that ultimately The practice of Alignment is a much superior way  than the pursuit of achievement and that is the foundation of mastery !That is the root of quantum do, the way of energy!

Timeless, perpetual and precise!

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